Solutions to help your company make opportunities feasible in the tax area, resulting, for example, in fiscal benefits and incentives provided by the Brazilian legislation.
These opportunities are related to a number of situations — from the moment your company decides to implement a new industrial project to the way it defines its logistics for service distribution.Tax management support to your company;
Studies of tax effects on the product distribution logistics;
Guidance on sectorial and state tax benefits;
Reallocation of sites, considering tax aspects;
Analysis to recover tax credits and to use accrued credits;
Analysis of voluntary disclosure and payment of taxes in installments;
Tax procedures review (ICMS, IPI, II, ISS, PIS and COFINS);
Site location projects (market study for the best location to organize a company; in this case, from a tax perspective);
Draw up tax manuals and routines;
Review import and export operations;
Support for IT systems (parameterization);
Tax cost analysis in the implementation of new industrial projects;
Analyses and studies in connection with non-cumulative PIS and Cofins-related credits.